What is SaaS Payroll?

Jan 15 2017
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a popular term used for softwares delivered and used totally online or in the cloud. More and more businesses have used this online solution to manage their work, doing accounting, etc. And payroll processing is not an exception. In addition, this online payroll solution is more affordable while data security and statutory compliance are guaranteed.


Payroll Is Easily and Efficiently Run in a Few Minutes

SaaS payroll allows you to “do it yourself” with zero payroll knowledge which is suitable for SMEs who has man power constraint and business owners who have to run payroll themselves. Running payroll is very simple and easy with a couple of steps as follow.

  • Access to your account by logging in to the service provider’s secure website
  • Enter your payroll data and check if the information is correct
  • Approve and process payroll

After completing the steps above, the SaaS payroll will handle the rest and your employees even can check their payslips online with no hassles. As a result, you must save a lot of time and money as no infrastructure investment (hardware, software upgrades, etc.) and no human resource cost are required.

It’s Worth Switching to SaaS Payroll

Internet enables you to access to your information from anywhere you go with any device (laptop, tablet or mobile phone). Now you can even pay your employees using SaaS payroll as long as you have Internet access. Here are SaaS payroll’s unique advantages comparing to other methods that you need to know.

  1. Start anytime: it’s almost effortless to get it up and run after subscribing to the online payroll service. You just need to key in some important information such as your company or employee details and set up some options. Then you can run your payroll whenever you want.
  2. Stay Compliant: As the system is frequently updated with the latest legislative information, you are worry-free from statutory compliance.
  3. Safe & Secure: Your data must be stored in well protected infrastructure which is frequently maintained and upgraded by service providers. There are no more worries about server crashes, data loss, security, confidentiality, etc. Learn More

SaaS is such an advanced online application which helps businesses to be run much easier and more efficiently. Processing payroll now just takes you a couple of minutes every pay period so that you can focus more on your core business. This must be a better way to grow your business faster.