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Corporate Secretarial Services

The purpose of a corporate secretary is to ensure that your company is in check and compliant with local regulations. Companies which are incorporated in Singapore are required to elect a company secretary within six months from incorporation. Companies may either choose to hire a full-time secretary or outsource their corporate secretarial services. 

Benefits of Outsourcing Your Corporate Secretary

Greater Convenience and Ease

Greater Convenience and Ease

Engaging in corporate secretarial services gives you the assurance that your corporate secretarial needs are being met by skilled professionals who possess the expertise and knowledge to ensure your company remains compliant. By outsourcing, you do not have to worry about your business compliance and can stay focused on the revenue-generating aspects of your business. 

More Cost Efficient

By outsourcing your corporate secretary, you save the time and cost of hiring and training an in-house corporate secretary. These resources can instead be used to further enhance your business.

More Cost Efficient

More Cost Efficient



Obtain Accurate and Timely Results

Companies that provide corporate secretarial services will usually have multiple professionals who are equipped with in-depth knowledge and experience to properly handle your administrative requirements in time. 

More Cost Efficient


Why Outsource Your Corporate Secretarial Services to Us?

At CorpServe, we believe in harnessing technology through the use of a cloud-based platform to provide corporate secretarial services for your business. Our cloud-based platform helps take care of your basic secretarial needs, allowing us to focus our time and resources to better understand your business and provide value-added advisory.

Our specialist division is one of Singapore's largest corporate secretarial services provider, with more than 25 years of experience specialising in providing corporate secretarial services, as well as incorporation, compliance and advisory services to businesses and companies.

We guide the Board on the best practices in various functions such as accounting, finance and compliance so that businesses can stay agile and make decisions efficiently. Having in place a set of effective best practices ensures that there is a due process of discussion and consideration by the Board in its decision making. This ensures accountability and fosters a clear and transparent communication among Board members, and between the Board and its shareholders to avoid miscommunication and conflict.

Corporate Secretarial Services to Meet Your Business Needs

As advisors to the Board and shareholders, we can assist you with the planning and execution of your corporate transactions and help your Company to excel at every step of your business journey.

Corporate Secretarial and Support Services

Corporate Secretarial and Support Services

We guide and advise you on compliance with relevant rules and regulations in Singapore to private, public, and listed companies.
Nominee Secretary

Nominee Secretary

We guide and advise private, public, and listed companies on compliance matters in accordance with relevant rules and regulations of Singapore.

We provide nominee secretary services to fulfil the statutory requirement to have a local resident secretary.
Nominee Director

Nominee Director

We provide nominee director services to fulfil the statutory requirement to have a local resident director.
Maintenance of Statutory Registers and Minutes Books

Maintenance of Statutory Registers and Minutes Books

We keep and update your minutes book that contains minutes of all proceedings of general meetings and director meetings, including resolutions of directors or shareholders passed by written means.
Registered Office

Registered Office

We provide you with our Singapore office address as your registered office address.
Mail Management

Mail Management

We offer Mail Management Service which is an add-on service to the Registered Office Address Service. We will open, scan and email your mails to you so that prompt actions can be taken.

Advisory and Transactional Support Service

Advisory and Transactional Support Service

Our team is equipped with extensive knowledge on regulatory compliance and corporate governance. We can help you handle administrative and regulatory obligations and provide corporate advisory services and support.

We can also assist your company with:

  • Corporate health checks
  • Complex share-based structures
  • Loan and capital restructuring
  • Corporate governance matters
  • Shareholders’ management strategy
Notarisation and Legalisation

Notarisation and Legalisation

Your overseas subsidiaries or branch offices may require documents, licences or certificates of the Head Office to meet business requirements. We can assist you with the notarisation and legalisation of these documents.

Global Compliance and Co-ordination

Global Compliance and Co-ordination

For a group of companies operating in different jurisdictions, we can help lighten your management’s burden by serving as the main point of contact that oversees the complex regulatory and statutory compliance requirements, imposed by the local laws of your overseas subsidiaries.



CS8 is a dedicated digital platform with a host of features to help you run your corporate secretarial functions with ease. Our proprietary cloud-based platform allows you to request for resolutions, download your company’s secretarial records, such as resolutions and ACRA filings, and stay connected with us. 



We can provide technical resources to your company on a contract or project basis to assist and support your internal secretarial and compliance function. We have helped both SMEs and MNCs in co-sourcing their corporate secretarial services. 


Corporate Secretarial Services for Regional or Global Compliance

Businesses that lack the requisite managerial time and expertise to deal with internationalisation needs may do well to organise their compliance early. Non-compliance with local laws is no excuse and the cost of non-compliance can be hefty. Businesses also want to avoid non-revenue generating activities like dealing with fines, penalties and late filings.

We can be your independent regional or global compliance partner for your businesses in multiple locations. You need to only deal with one dedicated point of contact. This means:

  • You save time in not dealing with various professionals in different countries
  • You minimise the risk of non-compliance or missed statutory filing requirements
  • Your business stays up to date with constant regulatory changes
  • Your staff need not learn and relearn the technicalities of doing business in various jurisdictions 

Discover the benefits of outsourcing your corporate secretary today. For more information about our corporate secretarial services, please contact us.

Customer Testimonials

“Scan-Bilt Group has been under the wonderful care of CorpServe for many marvellous years. CorpServe has always been speedy in handling our enquiries, and we are satisfied with their professionalism and confidence in providing us with the right guidance. We are able to quickly and easily execute our business plans.

We are grateful to have CorpServe serving us as our corporate secretary for many decades, and we will not hesitate to recommend your team’s amazing services to any company.”

Janet Leaw

Learn More

Setting Up In Singapore

Corporate Secretarial Services

Taking Care of your Accounting / Payroll / HR / IT

Setting Up In Singapore

Corporate Secretarial Services

Taking Care of your Accounting / Payroll / HR / IT

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